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The Neamhain Prophecy

The stories of all pantheons are roughly the same: in the beginning, the pantheon father (his name varies depending on who is telling the story) rose who from the sea of chaos, coaxed forth by the song of Cuilithe, the light of eternity. He began separating the chaos into land, the sea, and the sky. He took a lover, and together, they populated their world, then they populated all worlds. Soon other gods arose around them, and the gods drew together into extended families of gods, forming the 14 pantheons.

But the gods are not omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, or even omnibenevolent. Like all things created, they are imperfect beings; powerful beings indisputably, but still imperfect. Such all-being is the province of Cuilithe alone, or at least that was what everybody thought before the sundering of the gods.

It was Aotrom, the god of light, and brother of Torano who led a rebellion against the rule of the god of the heavens. War followed: a war that spilled over into other pantheons, and the Celestial Realm burned. When at last, Aotrom and his co-conspirators were finally defeated, they were cast down from the Celestial Realms, falling into what would become the Infernal Realm. It was here that Aotrom, now having become Maledictus the god of curses and betrayal revealed that he had made contact with another being rivaling Cuilithe in power, but where Cuilithe was omnibenevolent, this being was omnimalevolent. He was called Dorodacht, the darkness of oblivion.

And so, a reality that was whole became dualistic as the gods celestial and the gods infernal shared an uncomfortable co-existence. Shortly after the last golden brick was laid in Cathair Neamhai, Anon, the fate inevitable had a series of waking visions, and uttered a prophecy of a goddess she called the Neamhain. The Neamhain would shake the heavens, bringing total warfare in her wake, a warfare that would threaten to shake the very realms from their foundations and swallow all reality ushering in the end of all that is. Most gods were certain beyond certain that this Neamhain would be the destruction of them all, but it remained a subject of vigorous debate amongst them, until the Neamhain arrived in the form of Morganthe, the fate consequential. The war that followed was absolute, and did very nearly cause all existence to come crashing down, but in the end, Morganthe overcame the best efforts of Maledictus and Dorodacht to corrupt her. She slew Maledictus permanently and totally so that he could not reincarnate in the well of oblivion.

She returned to Melonia where she watches over the resettled city with her lover Leannan at her side. Torano and Sylvana were reincarnated from the well of eternity, and began rebuilding Cathair Neamhai, and thanks to Cymru’s tireless efforts, Morganthe’s Gods Apostate made peace with the Gods Celestial, restoring order and balance to all existence. But trouble never stays away for too long…